Our partners

Banque des territoires Caisse des dépots
Banque des territoires Caisse des dépots

Banque des territoires | Groupe Caisse des Dépôts

The mission of Banque des Territoires, a Caisse des Dépôts Group entity, is to support Local authorities in their digital development.

Banque des Territoires has chosen Kosmos to support Local authorities' educational digital projects and contribute to their success with its digital solutions.

Kosmos has been selected in particular for its project "l'explorateur de parcours (ExP)". As part of the Attendance register of the PIA Orientation (Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir) launched by the French Ministries of Education, Higher Education and Research and the Caisse des Dépôts ( La banque des territoires).

Discover the Pathfinder project

Bpifrance Excellence

Bpifrance supports companies with promising growth and innovation prospects by awarding them the Bpifrance Excellence label. Kosmos has held this label since 2014
Bpifrance works alongside Local authorities to strengthen the support necessary for the development of companies present on their territory.

With Bpifrance, Kosmos benefits from an active business network that encourages exchanges and the sharing of advice.

For more information, visit Bpifrance.fr
Bpifrance Ecellence
Bpifrance Ecellence

Le Loria

Loria (Laboratoire lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications) is a joint research unit (UMR 7503) of several Schools: CNRS, Université de Lorraine and Inria. Its mission is fundamental and applied research in computer science.

Kosmos teams are collaborating with Loria on projects involving learning traces. Their aim is to put Big Data and artificial intelligence to work for learners' success, and they are working together on the collection and analysis of learning traces from Loria's Services.EMS/ENT Skolengo services from Kosmos

More information on loria.fr

The Canopé Network

The Canopé network is an operator of the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, in charge of teacher training.

The aim is to provide direct access, via Skolengo, the ENT - Environnement Numérique de Travail - developed by Kosmos, to the Canotech site, which brings together the online training courses offered by Canopé. It will also enable Canopé's teaching services and tools to be deployed on all Kosmos-operated digital work environment projects.

The aim of this cooperation is to facilitate access to training for even more teachers, by relying on Kosmos, whose Skolengo solution is deployed in 21 academies, 4 regions and 49 Regional education authorities.

For further information, visitCanotech


On the lookout for new issues and challenges in the education system to support innovation in education, Kosmos has chosen to support BCDiploma, a startup launched in 2017 by Luc Jarry-Lacombe and Vincent Langard.BCDiploma offers dematerialization of diplomas using blockchain technology, thus guaranteeing certified, secure and unforgeable diplomas.

For more information, visitbcdiploma.com


L'Onisep (L'Office national d'information sur les enseignements et les professions) is a public school under the authority of the French Ministry of Education. As a public publisher, Onisep develops and distributes information on training and careers to students, parents and educational teams.

We offer advanced integration of the national e-portfolio solution for Educational counselling called "Folios" in our Skolengo solution. Accessible by all students from our Skolengo ENT, this digital service is used in interaction with teachers to help them discover careers and training.
This service has been rolled out to all French schools (30 académies, 18 regions, 101 counties) in the form of a new application.

Discover the Folios project


logo NFrance
logo NFrance


NFrance is France's 100% managed and secure cloud specialist. It offers solutions tailored to every sector of activity: education, web agencies, software publishers and SaaS platforms, key accounts, etc. NFrance has its own ISO 27001-certified data center in Toulouse, France, guaranteeing its customers secure hosting of their data. Our support team supervises the critical digital services entrusted to us, guaranteeing their availability 24/7, 365 days a year.

Kosmos has entrusted the hosting of all its customers' platforms to NFrance since 2010.

For more information, visitnfrance.com

Microsoft office 365

As a Microsoft Office 365 partner, Kosmos has integrated the Office software online suite into its Skolengo solution.

This suite of tools enables Users to collaborate on documents, communicate seamlessly and create relevant content with the benefit of word, excel, powerpoint and more.

logo NFrance

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