Distribution and equipment loan management tool

Today, digital technology makes it possible to dematerialize the management and follow-up of tasks that were previously manual and tedious to set up. Kosmos offers you a digital applicationthat simplifies and secures the distribution and/or large-scale loan of equipment such as PCs, Tablets, SIM cards, etc. to families and individuals. For example, it enables you to equipment provision, storage, loan, return and invoicing.
This solution is aimed at institutions and local authorities that already plan or distribute equipment to students, teachers and the general public.

Why use our digital application?

Securing your investments

Guarantee the traceability of your equipment and check the eligibility of the distribution or loan.

Dematerialize endowment management

Save time and ensure efficient large-scale distribution or loan of equipment

Tracking the endowment life cycle

Use the Dashboard to see at a glance the status of inventory, disputes and invoicing.


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School Principal features

Application setup to prepare for distribution

The application application is used to enter all information concerning the Resources distributed. It can also be used to import Student data and perform eligibility calculations according to predefined conditions.

Eligible students' data is then exported to plan and organize School distribution.
Paramétrage type de matériels distribués en établissement
Paramétrage type de matériels distribués en établissement

Information on the type of resources distributed
Paramétrage type de matériels distribués en établissement

Hardware Distribution Dashboard

Material distribution

The application can be used to verify the Student's identity, obtain consent and confirm a charter of use (to secure the conditions of use in the event of equipment loans during the Schooling period).

When the equipment is handed over, it can be scanned by a handheld scanner, which automatically registers its Serie number in the application, enabling it to be removed from stock and associated with a Student.

It is also possible to issue a delivery note for materials delivered and distributed, guaranteeing the Local authority the security of the services provided by the various service providers responsible for delivering and distributing materials.

School follow-up management

It is possible to manage temporary loans and assignments during the year.

The application tracks the return of equipment at the end of a student's Schooling or in the event of a change of School.

The service can also manage the transfer of equipment between Schools, for example, to balance stocks.
Gestion du suivi en établissement
Gestion du suivi en établissement

Example of how to set up a numerical application

Distribution de PC - service numérique de suivi de stock
Distribution de PC - service numérique de suivi de stock

Example of tracking the removal from stock of equipment stolen from a Student

Online inventory withdrawal and invoicing

The application allows you to track the transfer of equipment to students at the end of their Schooling. The application allows you to export the necessary data for invoicing families if you wish to offer them the possibility of buying back equipment at a lower cost. The application interconnects with internal billing services, enabling secure online payment by families.

Invoicing can also be carried out in the event of non-return of equipment. The application can also be used to trace defective or stolen equipment, for example.
Would you like to find out more about our equipment distribution and loan solution?

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