Enhancing the training offer

The overall design of this service is the result of joint reflection with a number of higher education establishments that have formalized their issues and challenges in line with the needs of their users (students and staff).

Why promote your School's training offer?

Clarity of training offer

Present all the key information about a course on a single page, to give students an overall view.

Image de marque

Optimize your School's visibility by promoting your training offer

User experience

Simplify navigation of your training catalog for your students and future students

Interested? Contact us

The main features for showcasing your training courses

Turnkey template for presenting your training courses

  • Presentation of key points on a single page with different reading levels: summary view / detailed view
  • Content enrichment differentiated by profile (Schooling/communication)
  • Import data from your IS via connectors (ROF, Apogée, etc.)
Points clés fiche formation enseignement supérieur
Points clés fiche formation enseignement supérieur
Offre de formation_Moteur de recherche à facettes
Offre de formation_Moteur de recherche à facettes

Faceted search engine

  • Dynamic facets with native filters: type of Graduate, location, component, selective / non-selective, etc.
  • Results displayed by degree and/or course

Flexible management of your training offer

  • Dynamic presentation according to criteria: mention, path, year, semester, UE, Course(s)...
  • Simplified modeling by path and semester
  • Construction of a personalized training path for the web user
Offre de formation_Parcours individualisé
Offre de formation_Parcours individualisé
Offre de formation_Parcours individualisé

Marketing tools

  • Call-to-action integration
  • CRM integration
  • Dynamic bounce features
  • PDF export
  • Alumnis in the spotlight
Would you like to find out more about our Training solution?

Contact us