Presentation videos - Endowment management with GESMAT

Discover GESMAT, the first endowment management system for the Grand Est region.

The Kosmos team developed and deployed the GESMAT application for the Grand Est Region. This tailor-made digital application ensured smooth and controlledsmooth and controlled distributionof several thousand laptops a day to high school students in their schools, at a very high rate at the start of the new school year.
The application is based on the various School databases, ensuring that the equipment is allocated to High school students in a legitimate, up-to-date and secure manner.>> Discover the project
gesmat parc info kosmos
gesmat parc info kosmos


Discover the essentials of the digital endowment management application in 30 minutes.

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WEBINAR 70 min

Speakers :
  • Igor LEDITENT Project Manager for the Grand Est Region
  • Jean-François VENDRAMINIHead of Educational Digital Services
To access the Webinar, please complete the form below.