Université de technologie de Troyes: user experience at the heart of the digital university

Published on February 6, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36

Kosmos solutioning teams have designed and produced all the websites for the Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT). To successfully complete this project, Kosmos placed the User experience at the heart of the design, adopting a "design thinking" approach.

In addition, innovative tools such as the training catalog, the site factory and advanced marketing functionalities have been put in place to enhance the university's digital communications strategy.

User experience at the heart of website design

Based on a "design thinking" approach, the websites of the Université de Technologie de Troyes have been designed to provide web users with the information best suited to their profile (future student, student, company...). This methodology is based on user experience design workshops and the creation of a dynamic prototype illustrating the main user paths. The prototype is then presented to a panel of users representative of the various target audiences, enabling us to define the architecture and ergonomics of future sites in an iterative process.
At the same time, complementary tools are put in place to offer web surfers the opportunity to bounce on information deemed close and relevant to the content consulted, adapted to their profile, in response to innovative specifications proposed by the school and co-designed by the Communications Department, the IT Department and UTT teachers/researchers specialized in this field.

Campus UTT
Campus UTT

High-performance tools at the heart of the university's digital communications strategy

Kosmos was entrusted by the Université de Technologie de Troyes with the co-design and production of its new websites, as part of a supportive partnership relationship. To enhance the university's brand image and the legibility of its training offer, Kosmos solutioning teams offered Services such as thesite factory, training catalog and advanced webmarketing functionalities; the latter being considered key by UTT to make its investment profitable.

  • The "site factory simplifies the management of an unlimited number of sites, all based on the same graphic template, at the service of the UTT brand. The graphic model features variable elements, enabling the institutional charter to be rapidly applied to satellite sites. In this way, the Université de Technologie de Troyes can control its image by ensuring graphic consistency across all its sites.
  • The training catalogis designed to make it easier for students and future students to navigate the School's range of courses. Thanks to innovative ergonomics and intuitive navigation, all key information is presented on a single page: differentiating factors (employability rate, success rate...), course progress (pace, numbers...), specific partnerships with external structures. This gives students a comprehensive overview of the course they're interested in. This new digital tool has already won over Nantes Université.
  • Advanced webmarketing functionalities will be integrated into the websites. Call-to-action" buttons will encourage students or future students to take action, such as downloading brochures, contacting the School or registering online.

Discover the evolution of UTT's digital Practices following the launch of its new websites.

  • Over 50% reduction in bounce rate
  • Average time spent on page increased (+43%)
  • Lead conversion rate: 10.6%.

Kosmos continues to expand in the Grand Est Region

Kosmos is present in the Grand Est Region through its long-standing collaboration with the Nancy-Metz Regional education authority, and with EM Strasbourg (www.em-strasbourg.eu). For the former, Kosmos solutioning teams designed and built the Regional education authority's websites and intranet. For the latter, they totally rethought and developed the web ecosystem, creating responsive design themed websites (student life, eligibility, "newsroom", etc.) and a "web portal". newsroom", etc.) and an original "MyBudget" feature, which enables students to simulate the costs of their Schooling (registration fees, transport, meals, accommodation, etc.).
By equipping the Troyes University of Technology, Kosmos is consolidating its presence in the Region. Kosmos supports local educational organizations and Local authorities in their digital transition.