Teaching continuity #5: with ENT, France benefits from a system that is unique in the world

[Press release]

Published on March 26, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

On March 16, all schools in France were forced to close as part of government measures to combat the COVID-19 epidemic. This unprecedented situation posed a crucial question for the Educational community and decision-makers: that of educational continuity. Exactly ten days after this historic decision, it's time to draw the first lessons on how this continuity was put in place.

ENT: the cornerstone of Teaching continuity

First, an first observation theENTs have become the preferredor, in some cases, the only one, to maintain links between members of the Educational community.

A few figures suffice to illustrate the point.
From the very first day that all schools were closed, session timessession times were multiplied by 3timesnumber of pages viewed by 4.5on averagewith peaks of 10 for certain projects. In just one week,we've had over 15.5 million visits to our ENTs.

For the first time since their launch, ENTs have seen their status change, moving from a supporting and complementary role - the famous "digital extension of the School" - to that of a genuine substitute for the face-to-face model.
If we hadn't had ENT, I don't know how we would have managed during this unprecedented period. Today, ENT is indispensable. Having an all-in-one solution is really interesting. It makes our work easier. It's our main means of contacting parents, distributing work, communicating administrative information on the life of the School, and so on. Without this tool, it would be complicated. Frédéric Tomatis, digital referent and Teacher in the Creuse County.

However, and this is thesecond observationin this totally new and unanticipated situation,ENTs have held. Despite unavoidable access difficulties and slowdowns in the first few hours, our platforms were able to cope with the load and return to normal operation, thanks to an exceptionalexceptional mobilization of our teams.Working closely with Local authorities and Regional education authoritieswho also made enormous efforts, the taskforce we set up with our partnerpartner NFranceof critical digital services, has provided a solution to the main operatingthe main operating problems, in a very short space of time..

Today, our Users can rely on a stabilizedstabilized infrastructureand devote themselves to their various missions. For our part, we are observing a continuoussteady rise in Practicesand, of course, we are maintaining our taskforce to guarantee quality of service over the long term..

ENT: a widespread, secure system unique in the world

The unprecedented crisis we are experiencing, and the way we are dealing with it from the point of view of school continuity, leads us to a third observation.third observation. With ENT, France has a system that isunique in the worldon this scalewidespread to all SchoolsThis means that schooling can be maintained in the event of a major setback. This situation is the fruit of a long-standinglong-standing commitment of the French Ministry of Education and Local authorities, supported at the outset by Caisse des Dépôts.. Grade will note that this commitment has survived the various political changes, whether local or national.

The time has come for everyone to recognize the validity of this commitment over time. While it is clear that other environments could have been used, notably those proposed by GAFA,our ENTs representin the current situation, in addition to their obvious teaching benefits,an unrivalled framework of trust in terms of personal data protection. At a time when the health crisis is raising a whole series of ethical questions, it's worth remembering that even in troubled times, it's important toto protect our students' data as far as possibleso that they do not serve any interests other than maintaining the educational link.

The time for definitive conclusions has certainly not yet come, but here as elsewhere, once the crisis is behind us, it will be useful to revisit our public policies in order to make the right investments, including by anticipating the most extreme situations.

Over the next few days, we will continue to keep you informed of developments on our platforms.The probable extension of the lockdown period and the inevitable postponement of the resumption of courses should give ENT an even more central role in the educational continuity system.. Kosmos is already committed to devoting all its resources to this.