Registration software for higher education events
Colleges and universities offer numerous events for which registration is required. They need tools to present these events, manage their organization and enable participants to register. Event registration software enables smooth and efficient management of registrations for all types of events, such as conferences, open days, scientific events, etc.
Why use event registration software to organize your events?
Schools and universities face a number of challenges when it comes to organizing events. The organization of events requires the mobilization of Resources to promote them, collect registrations, follow up, communicate with registrants before the big day... Here are a few examples of actions to put in place:
- Promote events (festive days, open days, conferences, seminars, etc.),
- Send emails to invite or confirm registration for an event,
- Facilitate registration for students and the general public,
- Generate listings and attendance sheets.
To make organizing your events easier and save you time, the use of a digital event registration management tool, specialized in education issues, is the solution.
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For which events should you use a registration management solution?
- Job placement appointments,
- Immersion days,
- Open house,
- Speed jobbing.
- Conferences,
- Scientific days.
Cultural events :
- Festivals (photography, reading, cinema...),
- Dedicated days,
- Exhibitions,
- Training courses.
- Company recruitment Forum,
- Graduation ceremony.
Example of a booking for a day of immersion at the University
3 reasons to use a digital event registration solution
Improve your internal event management
Are you organizing a multi-slot event with different speakers? Easily delegate registration management to the Administrator of the slot or event. This way, he or she can :
- Customize the slot description,
- Define the number of slots,
- Communicate with registrants,
- Confirm registrations,
- View registrants and related information.
An unlimited number of Administrators can be added per event. In compliance with the RGPD, the Administrator of a slot will not be able to access the information of registrants of another slot.
A tool tailored to the education sector
The vocabulary used for a commercial event and a higher education event is very different. The terms used to register for an open day or a scientific symposium are adapted to events in the world of education.
The fine-tuned delegation of event and/or slot management, as seen above, enables each authorized School staff member to manage registrations.
In addition, it is possible to pay by purchase order, a payment method widely used in the higher education sector, such as laboratories.
Scalable according to your event needs, moderation of registrations in the case of parental authorization, payment management (refund in the case of cancellation, payment in instalments) in the case of paid events, duplication of events and slots to save time, etc.
An all-in-one tool
Manage your events
- Offer different slots for the same event,
- Offer registration options such as meals, giveaways, etc.
- Import your slots to easily manage large volumes of data,
- Export registrant data.
Communicating with subscribers
- Manage the unexpected: easily send an e-mail to participants in a cancelled event to inform them of a change of venue, time, etc.
- Publish your events on your website
- Send automatic registration confirmation and payment confirmation emails
Online registration
- Schedule the opening of registration for an event or slot
- Facilitate online payment via paybox*, cheque or purchase order
- Simplify registration, for one or more slots, with or without options, without having to create an account. Easily modify your registration.
*Paybox is a secure multi-bank payment platform that ensures smooth online credit card payments.Online booking from the User's point of view
Nantes Université uses registration software for university events
Nantes Université organizes several events a year for students, high school students, internal university staff and teacher-researchers, in a variety of formats, for which registration is required. To set up an event registration management system, the University turned to Kosmos to develop this extension, integrating and customizing the functionalities of the Open-Source solutionPretix solution directly into their Kosmos CMS.
Nantes Université was able to put this solution to the test with the "Université à l'essai" event, a week-long immersion program during which high school students were able to register for university courses. The university was able to manage the organization of a large number of slots, allowing participants to register for courses and the university restaurant for lunch.
University on trial" event
- 38 courses (Bachelors and Master's degrees)
- 1,375 Courses(s) open for registration
- 4,725 High school students enrolled
Interested in the registration management module?
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Tailor-made solutions with Kosmos solutioning
With Kosmos solutioningour teams offer tailor-made solutions for large-scale projects. Here are a few project examples:
- For Local authorities: application Gesmatfor managing the IT assets of the Grand Est Region.
- For decentralized government services :Foliosthe national e-portfolio solution for Educational counselling, supported by Onisep.
- For the French Ministry of Education and RENATER : Administrator of Access to Resources (GAR)Participation in the implementation of the national secure access system for digital resources in schools.
- For universities: development of an onlineonline registration for Nantes University.