OTOPO: the new Moodle™ plugin for tracking students' learning progress

Published on March 21, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Understanding the initial need: a crucial step for a successful project

In March 2022, Nantes Université intends to introduce a self-evaluation system for its students in the form of a new Moodle™ plugin. The idea is to be able to situate students' level and their acquisition of Skills by Subject. Having worked on several other digital projects with Kosmos teams, the Université de Nantes naturally called on Kosmos again to develop this new plugin.

This new Moodle™ plugin, called "OTOPO" for "self-positioning", is designed to be integrated on the Nantes Université's internal Teaching platform.. The aim is also for Teachers to be able to create group and individual reports to track the progress of their students..

logo otopo nantes université
logo otopo nantes université

Benefits for users: how to meet their needs

OTOPO was eagerly awaited by the Teacher team. For his or her Subject, each Teacher can propose to his or her students to Ranking themselves on the items/skills associated with their Course(s) and track their progress over time. The tool is integrated into Educational resources that Teachers share with their students.

Teacher's side

OTOPO allows you to :

  • Create self-evaluation grids (items/Skills & scales), use existing grid templates, share grids with colleagues (CSV import/export) ;
  • Retrieve individual student self-evaluation reports and group reports for their classes, using visual statistics and export them ;
  • Comment on each self-evaluation by associating Grades.

otopo enseignant
otopo enseignant

Teacher view: group report

Student side

otopo élève
otopo élève

Student view: self-ranking for the subject concerned

OTOPO allows you to :

  • Self-assessment of subjects and Skills transmitted by Teachers with Ranking degrees;
  • See Teachers' comments and Grades;
  • Track your progress and its evolution over time.

From a Dashboard, students can see at a glance their progress and evolution in a Subject.

In Summary, Kosmos has developed a Moodle™ plugin in open-source allowing different Users to exploit, modify and distribute it. The Ranking Moodle™ plugin has been available and in use at Nantes University since the start of the 2022 academic year. It is now available, via the Nantes Université GitLabin French and English for other universities wishing to use it.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have a similar project.

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