Online registration: new e-service for Nantes University students

Published on October 15, 2019 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

After working with Kosmos to set up the training offer on its website, Nantes Université is continuing its partnership with the Kosmos team by entrusting it with the creation of a new service: online registration.

Together with Kosmos solutioning, Kosmos supported Nantes Université at every stage of this ambitious project, from the definition of requirements through to implementation and monitoring, with a high level of service and security. At the start of the new academic year, over 20,000 of the 25,000 student files submitted were confirmed online.

Capitalizing on student registrations for the start of the new academic year: a major challenge for the University

Nantes Université's School Principal objective was to complete the maximum the maximum number of registrations by the end of the summer. The new service was therefore designed to simplify the registration process for students, but also make it easier for the school administration to confirm enrolments for Schooling Services.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

For the online registration service to see the light of day, the Nantes Université and Kosmos teams had to design and develop together. They relied on user workshops with Schooling administrators to develop a solution that was as close as possible to the needs of students and Schooling teams. This collaborative approach enabled Kosmos solutioning and Nantes Université's Direction du système d'information et du numérique (DSIN) to propose a solution optimizing the enrolment process: automation of the process, collection of reliable data, integration of data from the enrolment process, etc. reliable data, integration of Parcoursup datadata, interface with a secure banking service, connection to CROUS servicesservices, etc. DSIN has set up interfaces used by Kosmos teams to communicate with the University's IS.

Thanks to their business knowledge and technical and functional expertise, Kosmos solutioning teams, by co-designing and co-developing with Nantes Université, offer an efficient, robust and high-performance e-service with a high level of quality. robust, high-performance e-services of the highest quality within an extremely tight 10-month schedule. Nantes Université now has an innovative service that will enable it to consolidate and continue to enhance its brand image.

An e-service that simplifies the student registration process and the validation of student files by the Schooling department.

For the student, online registration is quickly and easily from a computer or laptop. First, they complete their administrative registration, which includes submitting supporting documents (identity papers, proof of diploma, etc.) according to their course of study. They then pay online via a secure platform. The amount of tuition fees paid by a scholarship-granting student directly integrates the exemption from registration fees, after real-time interrogation of the CROUS webservice. Finally, the student registers for Teaching courses (choice of options). Depending on the student's situation, the file is either directly confirmed or forwarded to the Schooling department for processing.

For the Schooling department, tracking enrolment files is also quicker and easier. From a dedicated area, staff have access to a Dashboard showing files still to be confirmed, those in progress and those already processed. They can access the full details of the file and check the supporting documents provided. If the file is complete, the application automatically sends an e-mail to the student confirming validation of their enrolment. If any supporting documents are missing or do not conform, the application informs the student of the rejected supporting documents, enabling him/her to update them (the instructor can also specify a Reason(s) for each rejected PJ). The application can also be used to accept manual payment. All the student has to do is complete the Folder in the Schooling department and make the payment.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

In less than 10 months, Kosmos was able to propose a solution tailored to Nantes Université's processes and operational for the opening of 2019 registrations.

With this innovative, tailor-made e-service, Nantes Université is expanding its range of dematerialized procedures, with a particular focus on the quality of service delivered to users.