Kosmos reinvents itself to clarify its offering in France and abroad

Published on January 23, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36

Kosmos is evolving its identity by creating 3 new brands based on 3 principles: innovation, adaptability and security. Our aim: to offer scalable, adaptable and customizable digital solutions to meet the new challenges facing the education system.

The world of education is evolving - let's evolve with it!

Why a new identity?

The world of education is constantly evolving. Faced with new challenges linked to the irruption of digital technology at all levels, the education system must constantly adapt to offer those involved in education digital solutions capable of facilitating their activities. That's why Kosmos is transforming itself and evolving its identity with the creation of 3 brands (Kosmos next, Kosmos solutioning and Skolengo) to clarify its digital solutions offering for all education players in France and abroad.

3 new brands in line with the company's raison d'être for over 20 years: developing innovative, high-performance digital solutions for education

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

With Kosmos next, Kosmos wishes to reaffirm its investment in research and development, which is part of the company's DNA (25% of sales have been devoted to R&D in recent years). Surrounded by experts (cogniticians, sociologists, specialists in new technologies) and players in the field, the teams stay on top of new issues and challenges by working on emerging themes in the world of education: Traces of learning, the contribution of artificial intelligence, protection of personal data, etc. Together, they propose innovative solutions for an increasingly connected, personalized and adaptive school.

Committed to future-oriented investment programs, Kosmos was notably the winner of the PIA Orientation (Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir) call for projects launched by the French Ministries of Education and Research. launched by the French Ministries of Education, Higher Education and Research, and Caisse des Dépôts, with its project "l'explorateur de parcours (ExP)". In partnership with the University of Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier and the Pixis company, Kosmos next teams proposed an innovative digital service for Educational counselling, to deliver a clearer picture of what universities have to offer in terms of training, and to enable students to find their way around.High school students to explore the various possibilities for Educational counselling, so that they can project themselves more easily into their future careers and job prospects.

Our responsibility, today more than ever, is to support the new issues and challenges facing the world of education, for the benefit of all those involved. Jean Planet, President of Kosmos.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

With Kosmos solutioning, Kosmos demonstrates the uniqueness of its dual expertise - business and technical - by offering a tailor-made solution to the education sector.

This new brand is based on our knowledge of the business and our technical and functional expertise, to offer our customers the most innovative Services to facilitate their activities, according to their needs. By deploying an ultra-collaborative working method consisting of co-construction and appropriation workshops, Kosmos solutioning teams offer personalized support at every stage of the project. Jean Planet, President of Kosmos

Online registration for Nantes Universitythe Campus Condorcetwebsite, the Gestmat for the Grand Est Region, new digital services co-developed with customers in 2018 and 2019.

Kosmos certifié Qualiopi

Historically, Kosmos has developed and deployed the K-d'école EMS (Education Management Software). Today, Kosmos is going beyond the classic ENT with the launch of Skolengo, the Education Management Software. A multiservice platform accessible in SaaS mode, Skolengo offers both the classic modules of an ENT and the management and Settings services to meet all the needs of a School or training establishment. Skolengo's vivid colors and illustrations add a dynamic, playful touch to the solution, reinforcing its proximity to end-users.

Our new identity expresses our ambition to serve all those involved in education: the world of education is evolving, so let's evolve with it.