Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes : Find your career path on the Educational counselling website O'rêka

Published on January 23, 2023 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Educational counselling is a crucial stage in a person's life, but it's not always easy to find one's way around the abundance of information out there. That's why the Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has set up an information portal dedicated to Educational counselling, called O'rêka.

This innovative platform is designed to facilitateEducational counselling for the citizens of the Local authority and brings together all Educational counselling information in a single space. The site also showcases the professions practiced in the Region. It is connected to other specialized websites to offer a complete vision ofEducational counselling in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

An Educational counselling platform tailored to Local authority needs

Up-to-date, multi-source Educational counselling information

The O'rêka site centralizes all Educational counselling data. It is linked to a number of other specialized sites, including Carif Oref, Repère métiers, the Educational counselling site of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, Onisep and Pôle-Emploi.

Thanks to this collaboration, information is updated in real time on O'rêka, whatever the source.

An easy-to-administer digital platform for Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Educational Counselling

For professionals in charge of writing content, the site's Settings are easy to use and update. Content such as articles, career records and events can be easily added to facilitate the work of Educational counselling professionals who use the site on a regular basis.

In addition, the platform automatically updates information from the above-mentioned external Educational counselling sites.

Spotlight on local trades

An "Inspiration" section gives citizens the opportunity to find out more about the jobs on offer in the Region, as well as highlighting those that are recruiting.

Mettre en avant les métiers de la région
Mettre en avant les métiers de la région
Sections inspiration

An Educational counselling platform at the service of citizens

Citizens want to know about all the Educational counselling initiatives put in place by Local authorities; with O'rêka, the search is simplified.

A platform for all citizens

Whether you're a Secondary-school student, a student, looking for a job or working, O'rêka gives you equal access to information. Right from the Home page, you can search for information according to your Profile. This means that everyone can find the information they need for their Educational counselling, training or retraining project.

Educational counsellors also use the Portal to support their clients.

Orientation adaptée en fonction du profil
Orientation adaptée en fonction du profil

Find information at any stage of your Educational counselling project

"What careers are recruiting? "What careers match my interests? "What jobs can I do with my current skills? "What are the jobs in the environmental sector? "These are just some of the questions asked by people looking for a job or a career change, and answered by the Portal developed by Kosmos.

Thanks to the Search engine and Sections, you can search for jobs by :

  • Trade families,
  • Interests,
  • Skills,
  • Hiring potential in the Region,
  • Quiz results.

The Search engine allows you to search for a profession, training, information, inspiration, etc.

moteur de recherche orientation
moteur de recherche orientation
Search engine results with "Boulanger" search

Educational counselling quizenables people with less precise Educational counselling projects to get to know themselves better and discover their Profile as they go along. It's based on the respondent's Skills and desires, to propose a personalized selection of several professions, enabling them to explore the possibilities.

Test O'rêka

To make their Educational counselling data more readable and accessible to citizens, the Region commissioned Kosmos, with whom it had already collaborated on the ENT Ma Class en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes project.The project had to be completed within a very short timeframe, as the objective was to present the platform at the " Mondial de métiers "which took place 4 months later. The Kosmos teams met this challenge, as the Region's Educational counsellors were able to present and test the platform on an interactive terminal with the Secondary-school students and citizens present at the fair.
LES ENJEUX  de la plateforme O’rêka LES ENJEUX de la plateforme O’rêka -LES ENJEUX de la plateforme O’rêkaRéunir toutes les informations régionales et nationales sur un seul et même espaceMettre en avant les métiers régionaux S’adresser à tous les citoyen
LES ENJEUX de la plateforme O’rêka LES ENJEUX de la plateforme O’rêka -LES ENJEUX de la plateforme O’rêkaRéunir toutes les informations régionales et nationales sur un seul et même espaceMettre en avant les métiers régionaux S’adresser à tous les citoyen