A unique support system to ensure Teaching AND Settings continuity
A unique support system to ensure Teaching AND Settings continuity
Published on May 3, 2020 by Laure
Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H36
Since the announcement of the closure of the schools due to the acceleration of COVID-19, the schools have very quickly put in place a new way of carrying out their teaching and administrative missions. Since the beginning of the lockdown, Kosmos teams have been fully mobilized to maintain the teaching, social and administrative links between Schools and families via our Skolengo digital solution.
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Kosmos teams mobilized to guarantee a functional solution
In the early days of containment, the exponential growth in Practices temporarily caused access problems. The situation was restored within 3 days, thanks to the unprecedented measures taken very quickly by the Kosmos teams, in collaboration with Local authorities, Regional education authorities and Schools. In addition to these measures, Kosmos distributed best practice guidelines to its users. As a result, the platform is now fully operational again.
New resources to help Users pursue their missions
To support teachers, families and students in this unprecedented context, a special "#teaching continuity" section has been created on Skolengo Academy, the site dedicated to Skolengo users. It provides them with all the content they need to ensuredistance learning via ENT.
To help School administrative and financial staff, as well as parents, carry out administrative actions online (invoicing, pre-registration, etc.), Skolengo Academy provides access to a specific Section #administrative continuity linked to Practices in Skolengo's Administrative & Finance module.
These Sections feature tutorials, guides, tips, news, replay webinars and more.
=> Discover all these Resources on Skolengo Academy
Maintaining support during unprecedented conditions
Our User Support teams operate as usual, and are available to you by email or telephone, depending on the details of your project. To find out who to contact according to your project and Profile, log on to skolengo-academy.org
Of course, Kosmos teams are on hand to help you maintain the social, educational and administrative links between Schools and families.
Consult our Sections #teaching continuity and #administrative continuity on a regular basis, as we continue to enrich them to support you in this unprecedented context.