Haute-Garonne's first dematerialized school meal assistance system

Aide à la Restauration Scolaire (ARS) is one of the priorities of the Haute-Garonne County council.

This scheme gives Secondary-school students from low-income families access to their School's catering services. Depending on the family's Resources, the cost of half-board is covered in full or at 50%.

The County council of Haute-Garonne allocates a budget of around 6 million euros per year to this scheme.

Assignment needs

The County council of Haute-Garonne wanted to simplify the administrative process for families, schools and the County council when applying for school meal subsidies.

The process was cumbersome: families had to submit paper applications, County Services had to input paper forms, and manual requests for supplements and reminders had to be made.

The County council entrusted Kosmos with the design and implementation of a service to dematerialize the process of submitting and processing applications for school meal and childcare assistance.The County council has entrusted Kosmos with the design and implementation of a service to dematerialize the process of submitting and processing applications for school meal subsidies, as well as the flow of information between schools and the County council. Steering tools are also made available to the County.

The aim was to optimize the management of the tens of thousands of requests submitted each year, and also to offer families a modern public service. The challenge was to deploy this dematerialization service in over a hundred public and private Secondary schools by June 2017.

The project

With Kosmos solutioning, its tailor-made solution, Kosmos developed and deployed this new system for filing and processing ARS applications in record time, in close collaboration with the Haute-Garonne County council.

The system operates independently, but is also accessible via the eCollège31 ENT. By integrating it into the eCollège 31 range of services, access is simplified and the retrieval of family data is automated, in line with the framework of the Schéma Directeur des ENT (SDET).

In just a few clicks, families can fill in an ARS application form and submit it for processing. Parents can easily track the progress of their applications, and are notified when a decision has been made.

For Schools, this process provides visibility on the progress of applications, and saves time in exchanges with the Haute-Garonne County council.

For the County, this solution deletes the time spent re-entering applications, and reduces the workload involved in processing requests, thanks to the convergence of e-services around e-Collège31.

This digital service was developed by Kosmos using state-of-the-art web technologies: spring boot, HTLM5, CSS and javascript. It is accessible and adapted to different terminals: Tablet, smartphone, computer, etc.

Kosmos has created a high-performance system to ensure quality public service!
It's a real benefit not only for families and Secondary schools, but also for the County's Settings.
Marie-Henriette DE MALVINSKY,
Department of Education and School Facilities


Since June 2017, 100% of Schools in the County of Haute-Garonne have had this high-performance ARS service.

Today, requests are submitted in less than 5 minutes by families and instructed in less than 1 minute. Exchanges with families are facilitated and dematerialized. Data flows between Schools and Local authorities are fully automated.

Thanks to this paperless system, the County council is able to provide a better service to users, while capitalizing on eCollège31 as a public e-service.

Key figures

1/3 of familiesof Secondary-school students benefit from ARS

23,000 Foldersare submitted each year

Key points

  • Fast take-up by families: 85% take-up in the first year
  • 95% of applications processed within 4 months
  • Folder status in real time for families, School and County
  • Application integrated with ENT

Would you like to find out more about our solution for dematerializing applications for school meal subsidies?

Consult one of our consultants, who will be happy to answer your questions and give you a demo.

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